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Stevens Towing has been rooted in Yonges Island since the late 17th century, proudly providing our community and maritime services since 1913. Throughout our history, giving back to the community has always been a priority, especially investing in the next generation of maritime workers.

Youth Apprenticeship

In January 2017, Stevens Towing created a Youth Apprenticeship at our Yonges Island Shipyard. This work-based-learning program partners with Baptist Hill High School and St. John’s High School, aiming to foster the next generation of maritime colleagues in our local community through collaborative training and mentoring.

William Holmes, who retired as a shipyard supervisor at Stevens after 25 years, returned to the shipyard to instruct and mentor our student apprentices. Mr. Holmes teaches proper techniques of SMAW “Stick” welding, GMAW “MIG” welding, grinding and oxy-fuel cutting, while incorporating workplace safety and the use and care of tools and equipment. The curriculum is structured with a duality of classroom instruction and hands-on practice in the shipyard based on the SC Standards for Welding Technology I and II.

Beyond technical training, Mathilde Dumond, our apprenticeship coordinator, teaches soft skills, career development, communication skills and financial literacy. Other topics covered in the classroom include basic math and measurement, journal writing and identification of hand tools.

“The apprentices earn an elective credit toward their high school diploma for this class, so we provide well-rounded skills for them to take as they transition to college and full-time employment. We want them to be successful in their career, and in life. The opportunities for learning are everywhere in the shipyard. Apprentices observe a myriad of activity such as a barge being repaired, a tugboat being drydocked, a hatch cover being fabricated and a ship being launched. It is an exciting place to learn and refine their job skills. Additionally, every week we have a guest speaker come in to cover topics such as safety procedures, firefighting, 401Ks and investing as well as artistic welding.” – Mathilde Dumond, Apprenticeship Coordinator

“Our goal is to offer the students in our community a work-based learning opportunity where they can develop a skill. Many of our employees live in this community, and this is our home. The apprenticeship is an investment in building our community.” – Johnson Stevens, President

“This program benefits the students, the school, the community and our company. It’s a win-win for everybody.” – Susan Stevens, VP Public Relations

We also provide scholarships to several technical and trade schools if apprentices wish to continue their education.

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