Stevens Towing Assists w/ NS Savannah Reactor Decomissioning

Stevens Towing partnered with Edwards Moving and Rigging and Crofton Diving to assist in the removal of a decommissioned nuclear reactor from the NS Savannah in Baltimore, MD.  The NS Savannah ( was originally built as a nuclear powered cargo and passenger vessel and has been sitting in Baltimore as a museum piece for the last several years.  Crofton Diving lifted the reactor out of the vessel with their floating derrick Samson and landed the reactor into a specialized container on our Stevens 2501 deck barge alongside the Savannah.  Our Stevens 2501, a 250’ x 54’ x 13’ ABS deck barge, is one of only two deck barges in the US with a COI to carry class 7 nuclear cargoes.  The container was sealed and filled with packing material then upended from a vertical to a horizontal position.  Our tug Sea Crescent and her crew shifted the Stevens 2501 to an adjacent pier where the reactor was lifted off the barge and loaded onto a truck.  The reactor was ultimately loaded onto a railcar for transport to her final storage location.  Thanks to Edwards Moving and Rigging for the opportunity to work on this very exciting project as well as the Crofton Team and everyone from the NS Savannah Crew.

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