Stevens Towing Completes Pearlson Ship-Lift Installation for Savannah Yacht Center

Our shipyard crew and Heavy Lift team completed the last phase of a large, months long project for the new Savannah Yacht Center with the final delivery and float-in of the Savannah Yacht Center’s new Pearlson Shiplift in May.  This project included picking up the disassembled shiplift in Norfolk, VA and delivering it to our shipyard on Yonges Island.  Upon delivery our carpentry team worked for several months installing the wood decking.  Once all of the decking was complete, our Heavy Lift team assembled the entire 236′ x 68′ shiplift and loaded it onto our Stevens 2501 (250′ x 54′ x 13′) ABS deck barge for delivery to Savannah.  Our ABS tug Sea Crescent handled the tow from Yonges Island to Savannah.  The 600+ ton shiplift was safely set into position at the Yacht Center with a combination of ballasting and the 8′ tide cycle of the Savannah River.  The float-in represented the most difficult challenge of the job due to less than 3′ of clearance on either side of the barge and an alignment specification of  1/8″ for the entire platform.  Not only were those tough requirements in a normal location, but attempting this maneuver side to on the Savannah River with a 3 kt current and an 8′ tide made it even more complicated.  In the end, our team was extremely successful placing the unit in its slip within the tolerances required.

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